

   Charles Aragon, MD                                    Jeryl Shapiro, MD
   Chief of Staff                                                    Department of Anesthesia
   Anesthesia Partners of Montana                       University of Vermont

   St. Vincent Health Care                                   111 Colchester Avenue

   1233 N 30th Street                                          Burlington, VT 05401
   Billings, MT 59107                                          jeryl.shapiro@vtmednet.org

    jenaragon@bresnan.net                                   (802) 847-2415       
 (406) 237-4400                                              Fax 802 656-5324
  (406 237-3675

                        James P. Rathmell, MD                               Sally Weeks, MD, FRCA
                        Residency Director                                           Director of Obstetric Anesthesia

                        Department of Anesthesia                                 Royal Victoria Hospital

                        University of Vermont                                       McGill University
                        111 Colchester Avenue                                    687 Pine Avenue West
                         Burlington, VT 05401                                      Montreal, QC H2X 3R2
                         jprathmell@aol.com                                         misw@musica.mcgill.ca

                         (w) 802 656-2415                                           (w) 514 842-1231 ext 4881
                         Fax 802 656-5324                                          Fax 514 843-1488

                         Christopher Viscomi, MD                            J Christian Abajian, MD

                         Professor, Dept of Anesthesia                          Chief, Pediatric Anesthesia

                         University of Utah School of Medicine              University of Vermont

                         50 North Medical Drive                                   111 Colchester Avenue

                         Salt Lake City, UT 84132                                Burlington, VT 05401

                         cviscomi@anest.med.utah.edu                          jabajian@zoo.uvm.edu

                         (w) 801 581-6393                                           (w) 802 656-2415

                          Fax 801 581-4376                                           Fax 802 656-5324

                          William Paganelli, MD                                Kevin Ianni, MD

                          Professor, Dept of Anesthesia                         Chief, Dept of Anesthesia

                          University of Vermont                                     Porter Medical Center

                          111 Colchester Avenue                                  115 Porter Drive

                          Burlington, VT 05401                                     Middlebury, VT 05753

                          wpagane@zoo.uvm.edu                                  kgasman@sover.net

                          (w) 802 656-2415                                          (w) 802 388-4701

                          Fax 802 656-5324                                          Fax 802 388-5611

                          David Kirch, MD                                          Joel Mumford, MD

                          Chief, Dept of Anesthesia                                Chief, Dept of Anesthesia

                          Copley Hospital                                               Springfield Hospital

                           528 Washington Highway                               25 Ridgewood Drive               

                           Morrisville, VT 05661                                    Springfield, VT 05156

                           kirch@mt-mansfield.com                                 JMumford@springfieldhospital.org

                           (w) 802 888-4231                                          (w) 802 885-2151

                           Fax 802 888-8223                                          Fax 802 885-3959             

Credentials - Please contact me for copies of my certifications

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